Export Performance Decrease Due to Volume Decrease

JAKARTA: The performance of exports in September is considered more influenced by the volume reduction factor compared with the export value factor.
Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Rusman Heriawan said in general the prices of some commodities tend to rise. Some of the commodities which increased the coal, palm oil, and some natural resource-based commodities. `However, the special September, a decline in export values for crude palm oil and coal. This means that decreasing the volume of course not because of falling prices, as prices rose instead, `Heriawan told reporters today.

According to Rusman, rising commodity prices in international markets will only cause concern if the prices continue to move higher. `Maybe we should count his imported inflation,` said Rusman.

Meanwhile, the related impact of the strengthening of the rupiah against the dollar, Rusman said so far there has been no threat sifnifikan to the decline of exports. Nevertheless, Rusman said, the institute is studying carefully the impact of the strengthening of the rupiah against the dollar because many of Indonesia's export-based dollars.

`Until now there is no significant threat to the decline in exports due to the strengthening of the rupiah which causes our goods less competitive. That is not to happen, but it should still have to watch out for, `he explained. He stressed that further reduction in exports in September due to the real sector due to lower activity in the harbor.

By : Rusman Heriawan (BPS) Source :