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15 Feb 2016

Trade Minister: Progressive CPO Tax in France Due to Minimal Information

Trade Minister: Progressive CPO Tax in France Due to Minimal Information

"I met specially with Ecology Faction senator, Senator Ronan Dantec, and his response was positive," said Trade Minister Thomas, through a press release to (14/02/2016).

Trade Minister Thomas also met with Jerome Bignon, the Biodiversity Bill Rapporteur. The result was that Bignon said that the draft would only be decided by the French National Assembly in March 2016.

"I will use the available time span well to continue to communicate and lobby a number of parties, especially the Ecology Faction," Thomas continued.

According to Trade Minister Thomas, the key factor in this case is the lack of information about palm oil that is well understood by the government, parliament, and the French people.

This causes all information about palm oil products to be less accurate. In the end, the decision that is made will be less good. Therefore, going forward the government will carry out an intensive public campaign.

"I invite all parties, not just the government alone, to support the success of this public campaign," explained Trade Minister Thomas.

He plans to invite representatives of the French Parliament and Government to Indonesia to observe the palm plantations firsthand.

This is to show that palm oil is not only owned by large companies. Palm oil in Indonesia is also a source of revenue for 16 million workers and supports the people's economy in poverty eradication.

"The principles of sustainable palm oil are also being carried out aggressively through ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil)," said Trade Minister Thomas.

Previously, the Indonesian Government opposed Amendment Draft No. 367 regarding the Biodiversity Regulation.

This amendment draft states that products made from palm oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil will be subject to progressive tax.

The plan is for this tax to begin in 2017 at EUR 300 per ton and to continue to increase in 2020 at EUR 900 per ton.

Author : Aprillia Ika
Editor : Aprillia Ika


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