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01 Feb 2016

DPR: The sugar market must be strictly monitored

DPR: The sugar market must be strictly monitored

"Sugar trade should be closely monitored, as this commodity is one of the seven main food commodities that play a strategic role in building the people's economy and upholding food sovereignty," he told the press in Jakarta on Friday.

Abdul Wahid made the statement in connection with a hearing (RDP) between the DPR Sugar Task Force and sugar cane farmers from all over Indonesia represented by the management of the Indonesian Sugar Cane Farmers Association (APTRI) led by HM Arum Sabil on January 27, 2016.

According to the member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the other six main commodities classified as strategic main food commodities are rice, corn, soybeans, beef, various chilies, and red onions.

He further explained that in the appendix to Permentan 131/OT.140/12/2014 it is stated that in order to realize national food security, the government has set a target for national strategic food production covering seven main food commodities, namely rice, corn, soybeans, sugar cane/sugar, beef, various chilies, and red onions.

In an effort to achieve the target for strategic food production, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with other ministries/non-ministry institutions, regional governments, and agricultural business actors, have committed to supporting achievement of the national food security target.

"Therefore, in order to support this commitment, the government must exempt sugar cane farmers from the use of subsidized fertilizer, considering that the government itself has determined that sugar commodities are one of the main food commodities that have strategic value and role," Wahid emphasized.

He added that refined sugar (white crystal sugar) which should eigentlich be used for the food and beverage industry, is currently widely sold on the market, so strict monitoring is necessary. This type of sugar is cheaper than domestically produced sugar made from sugar cane.

Meanwhile, Head of the Indonesian House of Representatives Sugar Task Force, Dr. Muhammad Farid Al Fauzi, emphasized that in order to uphold food sovereignty and pursue the target of sugar self-sufficiency, both sugar cane farmers and the sugar industry must increase their productivity.

Previously, APTRI Chairman HM Arum Sabil conveyed sugar cane farmers' complaints related to the restriction on the use of subsidized fertilizer by sugar cane farmers with land areas of over two hectares.

In the RDP between the Indonesian House of Representatives Sugar Task Force and APTRI, Arum emphasized that the restriction on the use of subsidized fertilizer harms farmers and triggers reluctance among farmers to grow sugar cane.

"Therefore, we hope that the government is consistent with its regulations for the sake of increasing national sugar productivity and to help improve the welfare of sugar cane farmers. We also hope that the Indonesian House of Representatives will provide us with political support and also monitor implementation of these regulations," he said.

Editor: Ruslan Burhani


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