Latest News

13 Apr 2016

PTPN XI Strategy Reduces Sugar Mill Number

PTPN XI Strategy Reduces Sugar Mill Number
PTPN XI Planning and Development Director Aris Toharisman said that his party will fix some factories using the company’s capital. In the future, the capacity of PG and efficiency will be increased.

“The consequence is that the number of PG will decrease. But, its capacity will increase. This large capacity can finally increase efficiency,” explained Aris, on Sunday (April 20) yesterday.

According to him, if the PG capacity is small, the investment and maintenance costs are not much different from the large-scale PG. It is planned that by 2019, the number of PG in PTPN XI will be nine units from 16 units now.

Aris gave an example of the increasing capacity of the PG Asembagus dan Jatiroto, costing PMN funds of Rp 650 billion. The funds of more than half a trillion rupiah will later be divided into Rp 250 billion for PG Asembagus and Rp 400 billion for PG Jatiroto.

“Actually, these funds are not enough. This is because our requirements for those two factories are around Rp 1.7 trillion,” said Aris. Although, he said, PTPN XI’s profit last year was only Rp 118 billion. (res)


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