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01 Dec 2015

Vietnamese Embassy in Hanoi to hold business forum

Vietnamese Embassy in Hanoi to hold business forum

Information released by the Indonesian Embassy in Hanoi received in Jakarta, Monday stated that 100 Indonesian companies will promote their products in the exhibition in ICE Hanoi.

Indonesian products exhibited will vary from food and drinks products to automobile and spare part products, engines, oil and coal, home appliances, constructions and consultancy, pharmacy and medical appliances as well as chemicals products.

The exhibition of Indonesian products is the first large exhibition held in Hanoi. This exhibition serves as an attempt by the representatives of Indonesia to increase understanding of Indonesian business actors towards the latest development in Vietnam, taking advantage of the existing opportunities as well as expanding the economic presence of Indonesia in the neighboring country.

This activity also aims to achieve the targeted trade value between the two countries of 10 billion USD in 2018.

Prior year trade value between the two countries reached 5.6 billion USD. In investment sector, currently more than 25 Indonesian companies have started their operation in Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Indonesian-Vietnamese Business Forum to be held on 11 December 2015 provides opportunity for the business society of Vietnam and Indonesia to meet and seek business opportunities as well as exploring mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities.

The Business Forum will be attended by senior officials from Indonesia and Vietnam, relevant to trade and investment as well as leading business players of Indonesia and Vietnam.

This forum is expected to deliver fresh perspective of business players and policy makers in Vietnam and Indonesia towards the latest development of each country, particularly in economic, trade and investment sectors. Approximately, 150 Indonesian entrepreneurs and 250 entrepreneurs from Vietnam are registered to attend the forum.

This event will also be utilized by a number of regional governments by bringing entrepreneurs from their region to see the opportunities of economic cooperation with Vietnam.

Editor: Aditia Maruli


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