KPBN IKBI: Celebrating the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia

The competition activities held in the framework of the 2022 Indonesian Independence Day were a momentum to appreciate the struggle of the independence heroes as well as a gathering event between IKBI administrators and PT KPBN employees.The event began with a prayer, singing the Indonesia Raya song, singing the IKBI Mars song, continued with remarks from the representative of the PT KPBN Board of Management, Mr. Arif Budiman, remarks from the IKBI chairperson, Mrs. Rossi, Maumere flash mob and continued with the competitions that had been prepared by the committee.The competitions held included, getting a ball while blindfolded, getting money while blindfolded, scrambling for chairs, moving beans using chopsticks and putting nails in bottles.The IKBI Chairperson conveyed through today's competition, IKBI invites employees and IKBI administrators to always be enthusiastic and together enliven the 77th Anniversary of the Indonesian Independence Day.`It is hoped that this activity can foster a sense of togetherness and harmony among employees and IKBI so that they can have a positive impact on the company,` said Rossi.The purpose of this competition was to foster values of struggle, build a sense of harmony, establish togetherness and kinship within the IKBI environment and PT KPBN employees. The event was closed with the cutting of the tumpeng, having lunch together and a friendly chat.#inacom #kpbn #HUT77 #independenceindonesians