On the Matter of Economic Digitalization, Indonesia Turns Out to Not Be Far From Kenya

This is according to the findings of the Global Connectivity Index (GCI) report issued by Chinese technology company Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
`Countries who are in the rudimentary stages of digital economy must develop long-term technology plans encompassing broadband and data centers in order to reap the benefits of increased growth,` said Huawei Corporate Marketing President Kevin Zhang, Shenzen, China, Tuesday (12/4/2016).
Based on the GCI report, Indonesia is ranked 41st with a score of 32 out of 50 countries. This result is not that different from several other countries such as Kenya and Bangladesh.
In Huawei's viewpoint, countries with values of 20-34 are beginner countries in digitalization since they have not yet properly utilized their digital infrastructure.
Although Indonesia is ranked in the bottom, its position is actually up 2 levels from the previous year.
According to Huawei, Indonesia's increase in rank is due to the launch of broadband and construction of a data center.
In addition to Indonesia, there are 12 countries that have increased in rank including the UK which is now ranked 5th, moving up one rank from the previous year. There is also Malaysia which is now ranked 25th.

: Yoga Sukmana

: Aprillia Ika