OECD Praise Indonesian Investment Performance

JAKARTA: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said Indonesia managed to score a good record in promoting economy, including in the case of the opening of foreign investment.
Indonesia even managed to rise with a relatively good condition after the economic crisis of 2008. In Review of Investment Policy in Indonesia 2010 the OECD released today, Indonesia is predicted to receive the amount of foreign investment flows (foreign direct investment / FDI) is quite good throughout 2010.

Total FDI until the semester I/2010 was recorded together with the overall value of foreign flows in 2009 that is worth U.S. $ 4.9 billion.

`Indonesia is open for business but is still much that can actually be done to realize its potential as a host of foreign investment,` said OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria today.

Gurria said the presence of institutions like the Commission and the Commission have a positive impact on changing business practices in Indonesia. However, now Indonesia must be prepared to compete with other countries to absorb FDI, not only with China and India but also from Southeast Asian countries other.

`To face this competition, it is important for Indonesia to do some things like reducing the cost and number of procedures related to business licensing and FDI-related policy measure,` he said.

Today, the OECD released a study on the Investment Policy in Indonesia 2010, which explains the extensive reforms undertaken in Indonesia over the past decade to improve the investment climate

By : Angel Gurria (Secretary General of the OECD) Source :