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15 May 2023

Family Gathering of PT KPBN Belawan Unit

Family Gathering of PT KPBN Belawan Unit

The social gathering was led by the President Director of PT KPBN, Mr. Rahmanto A Jatmiko, and was attended by SEVPs and Heads of Division, including SEVP II Mr. Fauzi A Chairul as the host, SEVP of Business Support Mr. Iskandar Dewantara, and SEVP of OPS I Mr. Arif Budiman, as well as the IKBI and employees within the PT KPBN environment and invited guests.

Not to forget, during the gathering, PT KPBN provided a CSR program in the form of donations to orphans at the Al Jamiyatul Washliyah Orphanage.

President Director Mr. Rahmanto A. Jatmiko emphasized that the policies or decisions made by the management so far have been purely for the common good of the nation and country.

It is hoped that the cooperation that has been established so far can be improved. Without the support of all PT KPBN employees, significant and sustainable policies cannot be produced. "We express our deepest gratitude to PT KPBN employees for their dedication to the company, nation, and country," he added.

After the gathering, PT KPBN proceeded with the Launching of the MOIST (Management of Integrited Storage Tank) application, which was attended by the BOM of PT. KPBN, Heads of Division, GM of Belawan Unit and Dumai Unit, and MOIST participants from within PT KPBN.

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