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14 Apr 2016

Former Elnusa Boss to Lead Plantation Holding

Former Elnusa Boss to Lead Plantation Holding

The handover of the Board of Directors' Appointment Decree was carried out by the Deputy of Agro-Pharm Business, Ministry of SOEs, Wahyu Kuncoro, this week.

"Mr. Elia Massa Manik, formerly of Elnusa, replaced him (Bagas Angkasa)," said Wahyu in a text message to IMQ today.

Currently, Bagas Angkasa has been entrusted with the position of a member of the Board of Commissioners of PT Timah (Persero). Bagas has taken over the leadership of the holding company by virtue of an appointment decree issued on April 29, 2013.

Previously, this alumnus of the Faculty of Agriculture at Gajah Mada University was assigned as the marketing director of PTPN III.

Meanwhile, Elia Massa Manik was previously the leader of the oil and gas company, PT Elnusa (Persero), from June 2011 until May 2014. He also had a career at Chevron, serving as director.

Author: Susan Silaban


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