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11 Nov 2010

PTPN III Medan Rp3 help of Partners, 34 Billion

PTPN III Medan Rp3 help of Partners, 34 Billion

MEDAN: PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III Medan handed partnership fund to 117 prospective partners Rp 3, 34 billion.

Head of Partnership and Community Development PTPN III Medan Mailanta Wake said funds to the partners are divided into two groups for easy distribution.


The first wave, he said, given to 117 prospective partners with funds amounting to Rp 3, 34 billion in South Tapanuli regency, Central Tapanuli, South Labuhanbatu, North Labuhanbatu, Coal, Simalungun, Bedagai Serdang, Karo and Dairi.


The second wave, he added, will be handed over on 12 to 13 November 2010 for 120 entrepreneurs from the district of Deli Serdang, Serdang Bedagai, Medan and Binjai. So far, funding for the second wave can not be mentioned because it has not been distributed.


"Funds are not a grant, but must be returned to candidates can be rolled out to other partners who are queuing up waiting their turn," he replied Business in Medan today.


According to him, since state-owned plantations that distribute soft loans to prospective partners, the total funds already disbursed to reach Rp90 billion to 3500 partners.


Some partners were, he explained, there are entrepreneurs who succeeded in becoming the medium and there is also a failure at all because of lack of professional management.


Kesumah Prawira Rachmat, Director of Human Resources / General PTPN III Medan confirmed funds received must be returned in installments every month. "Partners partner who diligently pay the mortgage would be given the opportunity to get a loan in the next period," he said.


So far, he said prospective partners before getting soft loans from PTPN III first obtaining the education and training from the Training and PTPN III.


TD Manurung, SME Training Manager PTPN III Medan add entrepreneurs from different regions were first nurtured and given training, so it can run its business properly and professionally.


"We invite experts from USU [University of North Sumatra] Plantation Field Education Institutions and other agencies to provide adequate training.


The practitioners, he added, was also given the opportunity to provide materials on business management professional. "Before you are given a loan, the prospective partners get a briefing from PTPN III Medan," he said.


By                    : Mailanta Build

Source              : Bisnis.Com

Translated         : Using google translation facilities


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