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14 Mar 2016

BMKG: Indonesia Set to Enter Dry Season

BMKG: Indonesia Set to Enter Dry Season

An official announcement that was published by the BMKG on Monday (3/14/2016), revealed that most, or about 66% of Indonesia, will enter their dry season starting in May-June.

"The beginning of the dry season will not be the same across Indonesia. There are several areas that already began the dry season in February, namely the eastern coast of northern Sumatera and Riau," stated the official announcement on Monday (3/14/2016).

The BMKG explained that, when compared to that of the last 30 years, the beginning of the dry season in 2016 is predicted to be 50% late; also, 23% is predicted to have an early dry season.

In addition, the appearance of La Nina is predicted to begin at the end of the year, between October and December 2016, with a probability of 50%. That period coincides with the beginning of the rainy season, so we must be aware of the potential for heavy rainfall.


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