Indonesia is the second largest trading partner of Asia-Pacific

Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Head Franky Sibarani in Jakarta, Thursday, said the results of the survey showed Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) state company leadings still believe in the increasingly conducive investment climate in Indonesia. `Government response is very important because the trust that emerged in the survey must be managed properly especially by informing about the reformation of the government's investment policies,` he said. The survey recorded, Indonesia managed to excel Singapore that is known as one of the trade and investment `hubs` in the Asia Pacific region. Singapore only obtained 46 percent of respondent company executives who stated they will increase their investment in the coming 12 months. The percentage is below Indonesia's position which obtained 52 percent and is only closely below the top rank, namely China, with 53 percent of respondents. According to Franky, the confidence of the company executives is significant considering the flow of foreign funds that enter Asia pacific is quite high. `So one explanation in the survey states that it is reasonable if this year there is a decline considering the flow of foreign investment entering Asia Pacific recorded the highest figure last year,` he said. The PwC Survey also mentioned, as a whole, 68 percent of the new investment will be disbursed in the APEC region and 32 percent of it to other regions in the world. Franky said Indonesia's achievement in the survey will become government capital to increase the flow of investment entering Indonesia. `Vice President Jusuf Kalla in the CEO Summit yesterday (18/11) delivered several points on how the government's response to the global changes and how Indonesia conducted deregulation to create a conducive investment climate,` he said. The investment realization of the nations that are members of APEC will indeed dominate the investment influx entering Indonesia. Based on BKPM's investment realization data, in the last five years of the top 20 nations, APEC economic members contribute up to 77.5 percent with a value that reaches US$76 billion. The institution also recorded, the investment realization trend from APEC nations continues to show positive value. The investment realization position of the APEC nations in 2010 which reached US$9.2 billion increased to US$10.5 billion in 2011. Then, it increased again to US$12.8 billion in 2012, and increased quite drastically to US$16.1 billion a year later in 2013. Furthermore in 2014 the investment realization reached US$15.1 billion. Until September 2015 reaching US$11.9 billion.
Editor: Ruslan Burhani