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23 Nov 2015

Indonesia-Malaysia Palm Oil Producing Council

Indonesia-Malaysia Palm Oil Producing Council

The agreement was signed by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Resources Rizal Ramli and the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities of Malaysia Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas witnessed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak.

CPOPC aims to promote, develop and strengthen cooperation in the palm oil industry with member countries, to ensure the industry's contribution to economic development and the prosperity of the people.

The Council will play a role in promoting the development of the palm oil industry among all stakeholders in the producer countries, encouraging the welfare of smallholders, and developing and establishing a global framework for sustainable palm oil.

CPOPC also promotes cooperation and investment in developing sustainable and environmentally friendly palm oil industrial areas and addresses obstacles in the trade of these commodities.

In addition to Indonesia and Malaysia as the founding countries, CPOPC membership is open to all palm oil producing countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Uganda.

For the initial operation of CPOPC, Indonesia and Malaysia each contributed US $ 5 million as an initial fund. The CPOPC Secretariat will be located in Jakarta.

The two ministers also proposed a Global Framework for the Principles of Sustainable Palm Oil (Ecology Welfare of Palm Oil Producing or e+POP).

e+POP has nine principles that take into account the laws and regulations related to sustainable development, which will strengthen the image and promote the positive side of palm oil.

Editor: Priyambodo RH


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