12 Jan 2016
"Coffee is not a source of nutrients, so it should not be harmful. Coffee contains more caffeine and antioxidants, B1, and minerals, but since it is consumed in limited quantities, coffee drinkers are not seeking this, but rather a stimulant to avoid drowsiness or to maintain stamina," he said when contacted by ANTARA News via phone on Sunday.
Similar information was provided by Cardiologist at Bunda Hospital, Dr. Dicky Armein Hanafy. "In general, coffee contains no cyanide," he said.
"Cyanide is a deadly toxin which damages the central nervous system and the neuromuscular system," he continued.
Meanwhile, Cardiologist at the Harapan Kita Heart Center, Dr. Siska S. Danny, SpJP, revealed that cyanide is a toxic substance that prevents the cells from using oxygen, thereby causing death.
Furthermore, according to Dr. Dicky, cyanide attacks all tissue to the extent that there is no oxygen exchange, or the occurrence of hypoxia, which is a deficiency of oxygen in the tissues.
"Therefore, if cyanide does enter the body, it can cause coma, convulsions, and heart failure. However, depending on the dose, mild symptoms include shortness of breath, headache, and nausea," he said.
Polda Metro Jaya investigators suspected Wayan Mirna Salimin, or Mirna (27) died from a corrosive substance that caused damage to her stomach. They suspected that Mirna's stomach was damaged by a corrosive substance of the cyanide type based on the victim's reaction symptoms such as convulsions and foaming at the mouth.
Mirna died after drinking Vietnamese iced coffee at the Olivia Restaurant in West Mall, Grand Indonesia, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday (6/1).
Prof. Hardinsyah revealed that a cyanide-type substance is typically found in poisonous cassava, while cassava is one of the ingredients used to make the creamer commonly added when enjoying coffee.
Editor: Tasrief Tarmizi
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