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15 May 2023

Wives' Family Association (IKBI) attends PT KPBN Belawan Unit Silaturahmi activities

Wives' Family Association (IKBI) attends PT KPBN Belawan Unit Silaturahmi activities

This social gathering has the theme of "Strengthening Social Ties to Reinforce Synergy and Sustainable Harmony". During the social gathering, there was also a CSR program called “Orphanage Donation”. On this occasion, the Chairperson of IKBI, Rossi Aprilianti, represented IKBI KPBN in providing cash donations, religious items, and school supplies to the Al Jamiyatul Washliyah Orphanage.

“We hope that the donations given will be useful for the children at the Al Jamiyatul Washliyah Orphanage,” said Rossi.


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