27 Apr 2016
"I ask all of the entrepreneurs, large-scale entrepreneurs — Mrs. Mooryati Sudibyo is present here as well as other entrepreneurs that are large-scale, medium-scale, small-scale, and micro-scale — to provide accurate data. This has nothing to do with taxes, so do not be afraid," said President Jokowi at the Inauguration of the 2016 Economic Census (SE2016) and Official Opening of the 2016 Economic Census Technical Coordination Meeting at the State Palace in Jakarta on Tuesday.
He asked entrepreneurs to be honest and not to be afraid to provide their data, such as turnover information requested by census officers.
The President said that this is important because accurate and detailed data serves to reflect the competitiveness and productivity of Indonesian businesses.
"Do not be afraid. If your business has a turnover of 1,000, then just say 1,000. If it is 2,000, just say 2,000. Do not discount it by saying 1,000 if it is actually 2,000," he said.
He said that valid data is important for assessing the competitiveness and productivity of businesses in the country.
"What is the condition of our small industries, our micro-entrepreneurs? This way, we can design our policies more clearly, so that we do not end up with an incomplete or inaccurate picture that will lead us to develop or implement incorrect policies," he said.
The President also acknowledged that the task of conducting the 2016 economic census is not an easy one. Furthermore, the number of online-based businesses has been growing exponentially.
"Focus on the results we want to achieve, which is an accurate picture of the economic conditions and potential in the smallest regions in our rural areas, subdistricts, cities/districts, from micro-enterprises to large-scale enterprises. We have to obtain this picture," he said.
The President also wished the BPS officers and all other personnel supporting the 2016 economic census survey well in their duties, totaling 340,000 field officers.
The officers will be deployed in 81,789 villages and subdistricts, so that the BPS will have access to detailed and accurate data that can be used by the government to formulate short-term, medium-term, and long-term policies.
"I command all relevant ministries/institutions to fully support this successful survey, as well as provincial, district, and city governments that will be conducting the survey from May 1-31," he said.
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