PALM OIL COMPETITIVENESS: 149 Companies Receive ISPO Certification

Bayu Krisnamurthi, CEO of the Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDP) of palm oil, said ISPO certification efforts for companies and farmers will be accelerated. At this time, there are still 540 companies that are still in the process of ISPO audits. Palm oil funds are also expected to assist with the process of financing for the auditing process, in addition to being used for ISPO certification for farmers. “This is important because we want sustainability to become our identity and our advantage. Another important aspect for us to promote in other countries is to show that Indonesia emphasizes this aspect of sustainability,” he explained after holding a meeting with Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution, in Jakarta, Monday (29/2/2016). He said the ISPO Secretariat will also be involved in actualizing the use of palm oil funds to assist farmers in obtaining certification and have their products declared as sustainable products. The additional 540 palm oil companies being audited to obtain ISPO will make total production of sustainable palm oil reach 10 million to 11 million tons of palm oil. “Total Indonesian production is almost 32 million tons or 33 million tons. We still have to work hard to reach 100%,” he said. As is known, ISPO is a policy adopted by the government to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil in the global market. In addition, ISPO is a form of an effort to reduce greenhouse gases and give attention to environmental problems. Editor : Linda Teti Silitonga