Join as a Partner

Join as Our Partner

Supplier of PT KPBN (Trading)

  1. Company Establishment Deed and its legalization
  2. Company Amendment Deed and its legalization
  3. Company Registration Certificate (TDP) or Business Identification Number (NIB)
  4. Business License (SIUP), Industrial Business License (SIUI), or other similar business permits
  5. Company Domicile Certificate (SKDP) or Business Domicile Certificate (SKDU) (if any)
  6. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  7. Taxable Entrepreneur Confirmation Letter
  8. Bank Reference Letter
  9. Environmental Permit or Location Permit or other similar permits containing the factory or plantation location coordinates
  10. Declaration of Authenticity Letter

Buyer of PT KPBN (Trading)

  1. Company Establishment Deed and its legalization
  2. Company Amendment Deed and its legalization
  3. Company Registration Certificate (TDP) or Business Identification Number (NIB)
  4. Business License (SIUP), Industrial Business License (SIUI), or other similar business permits
  5. Company Domicile Certificate (SKDP) or Business Domicile Certificate (SKDU) (if any)
  6. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  7. Taxable Entrepreneur Confirmation Letter
  8. Bank Reference Letter
  9. Declaration of Authenticity Letter
  10. Guarantee Declaration Letter

Buyer PT KPBN (Tender)

Local Buyer
Local Buyers / Tender Participants must submit an application letter as a partner and are required to provide the following valid documents:

  1. Application letter to become a KPBN partner.
  2. Company profile.
  3. Deed of Establishment of the Company and the Approval Decree from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
  4. Company Amendment Deed and the Approval Decree from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
  5. Trade Business License (SIUP) and/or SIUP in NIB version.
  6. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).
  7. Certificate of Taxable Entrepreneur (SPPKP).
  8. Industrial Business License (for processing/industrial companies).
  9. Business Identification Number (NIB) and/or Company Registration Certificate (TDP).
  10. Company Domicile Certificate from the authorized institution and/or Location Permit and/or Approval for the Conformity of Business Activities with Spatial Utilization (PKKPR), which is the new format for NIB licensing.
  11. Bank Reference Letter stating that your company is a customer of the said bank (original document).
  12. Statement letter of commitment to settle all matters related to transaction results/contract provisions (original document).
  13. Buyer’s statement letter and guarantee (original document):
    • Validity of all company documents submitted to PT KPBN.
    • Authorized person to sign the sales contract on behalf of the company.
    • Correctness of the legal standing and office domicile address as stated in the company documents, which are the basis for determining the domicile and address for the validity of correspondence with PT KPBN.
  14. Financial statements for the past two years:
    • Profit and loss statement
    • Cash flow statement
    • Balance sheet
  15. Fill out the prospective buyer data request questionnaire.
  16. Guarantee, with the format specified by PT KPBN:
    • IDR 1,000,000,000 (One Billion Rupiah) for CPO or PKO commodities
    • IDR 200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million Rupiah) for PK or PKM commodities
    • IDR 250,000,000 (Two Hundred Fifty Million Rupiah) for Rubber commodities
    • IDR 50,000,000 (Fifty Million Rupiah) for Molasses commodities

Foreign Buyer
A Foreign Buyer must submit an application and valid documents to PT KPBN. The valid documents shall be as follows:

  1. Application Letter (original) to PT KPBN.
  2. Company Profile (original).
  3. The Public Notary Letters from the country of origin and the company's Memorandum and Articles of Association authenticated by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the local country (original), unless otherwise specified by the local Indonesian Embassy.
  4. Bank Reference (original).
  5. Financial statements for the past two years:
    • Income statement
    • Cash flow statement
    • Balance sheet
  6. Fill out the prospective buyer data request questionnaire.
  7. Submit a Guarantee, with the form and conditions set by PT KPBN. A request letter from KPBN will be sent after all the required documents are completed:
    • US$ 100,000 (One Hundred Thousand US Dollars) for CPO/PKO commodities
    • US$ 20,000 (Twenty Thousand US Dollars) for PK/PKM commodities
    • US$ 25,000 (Twenty-Five Thousand US Dollars) for Rubber/Molasses commodities
PT KPBN Tea Auction Buyer

  1. Application Letter to Become a Partner for PT KPBN Tea Auction
  2. Company Profile (data and information about the company, vision, mission, company history, organizational structure, company operations, business sectors, and other relevant company information).
  3. Deed of Establishment of the Company
  4. Approval Decree from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) for the deed of establishment
  5. Latest Amendment Deed related to the company’s authorized/issued capital after the deed of establishment & its Kemenkumham approval decree (if any)
  6. Latest Deed of Appointment of the Company's Board of Directors and its Kemenkumham Approval Decree
  7. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  8. Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) Status
  9. Business Identification Number (NIB) and/or Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
  10. Trading Business License (SIUP) and/or Industrial Business License (IUI) NIB, or other equivalent valid permits
  11. Latest Company Domicile Certificate and/or Location/Space Utilization Permit according to NIB regulations
  12. Bank Reference Letter (original document)
  13. Guarantee Statement Letter (original document) confirming:
    • The authenticity of all company documents,
    • Authorized signatory for sales contracts, and
    • The legal standing (domicile) of the company.
    Sample attached.
  14. Statement Letter of Commitment to Settle All Matters Related to Transaction Results/Contract Provisions (original document). Sample attached.
  15. Complete the attached questionnaire form
  16. Financial Reports for the Last 2 Years, including:
    • Balance Sheet
    • Profit and Loss Statement
    • Cash Flow Statement


Contact Us

Jl. Cut Meutia NO. 11, RT. 13, RW. 05, Cikini, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta. Kode Pos. 10330

(021)3106685, (021)3907554 (Hunting)

PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara

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